Commerce Breadcrumbv1

The Commerce Breadcrumb component is a server-side component written in HTL, rendering a combined AEM page and commerce catalog breadcrumb. The commerce elements of the breadcrumb (i.e. categories and product) are retrieved from Magento via GraphQL. The main usage of this component would be as part of all page templates which include a breadcrumb.

This component is based on the Breadcrumb component of the AEM Core Components library.



The component is configured to display all the AEM pages under the "root" of the library. In addition to displaying content pages, the component will display commerce data when used on a product or category page. Check the examples at the bottom of the following pages:

  1. startLevel: 2
  2. sling:resourceType: cif-components-examples/components/breadcrumb
  3. structureDepth: 2