A Number Input component in an Adaptive form is a type of form field that allows users to input numerical values. The component is typically represented by a text field with a up and down arrow for incrementing and decrementing the number.
It can also be used with attributes like min, max, step, value, and more. These attributes can be used to set the minimum and maximum values allowed in the field, the step interval for incrementing or decrementing the number, and the default value of the field.
This component can be used to gather numerical data like age, quantity, and more. and can also be used to perform mathematical operations like addition and subtraction. This component can also be used to validate the numerical data entered by the user.
For accessibility, it is important to specify 'label' that describes the purpose of the number input field, and what kind of input is expected.
Simple Number Input with an "up" and "down" arrow for incrementing and decrementing the number
- jcr:title: Number Input
- description: <p>This is a long description.</p>
- tooltip: <p>This is a short description.</p>
- sling:resourceType: forms-components-examples/components/form/numberinput
- fieldType: number-input
- tooltipVisible: true
This is a short description.
This is a long description.