A tabs-on-top layout in an Adaptive Form is a way to organize and group related fields and sections of a form into separate tabs. Each tab is represented by a tab label, typically located at the top of the form, and contains a specific set of form fields and sections. This layout allows users to easily navigate and access different sections of the form, making it more user-friendly and less overwhelming. It is generally used when the form contains a lot of fields and sections, and it is necessary to divide them into smaller, manageable chunks.
Tabs on Top with two panels representing a simple Contact Us Form
- jcr:title: Tabs on Top
- description: <p>This is a long description.</p>
- tooltip: <p>This is a short description.</p>
- name: tabsontop_demo1675672899233
- sling:resourceType: forms-components-examples/components/form/tabsontop
- fieldType: panel
- tooltipVisible: true
This is a short description.
This is a long description.
- Request
- Contact Details